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View Full Version : The Situation

29th October 2006, 07:52 AM
Well seeing as this site is awesome and I'm sure none of us (including me) would want it to go down yet again, I thought I would spell it out clearly to people who are unsure, think they are sure, or are complete and utter bitches who just want the money.

Picture and video infringement issues have recently been the most common cause of Gassy's sites and others being either shut down by the hosting company (copyright issues) or due to attacks on the server. On the Internet, the owner or creator of any website or content can choose to copyright their work. That is, the owner is granted a legal device that allows them to manage how their work/content is used.
To be legitamtely copyrighted, content must be fixed in some way. So it can be on paper, a disk, or in a computer file (as videos are). Copyright only provides four basic ways for the owner or creator to manage the content: The right to copy the content, the right to sell or ditribute the content, the right to create new content based on the original, and the right to perform the copyrighted content.

As Lizzy Perrata has herself created copies and sold videos and clips of her works, they are now open to the fair use clause of copyright. This is effective for anything viewable by the public domain, like forums.
Fair use is a restriction on copyright, and this is the real beef. Fair use allows copyrighted content to be distributed freely in the pbulic domain. If something is a direct copy of an orginal, it is not considered to be fair use. The use of copyrighted work for non profit uses is considered fair use, even more so if the content is unpublished.

Basically, anything published on the web including www.queenoff***s.com is legitamately allowed to be distributed freely as long as the original / copy had been paid for and a fair percentage of the payment has gone towards the copyright owner. Lizzy earns at least ten thousand quid a month, I'd call that a fair percentage...
And just in case she decides to raise the case again, she can be accused of:
Verbal Harrasment (text is considered verbal in courts)
Sexual Harrasment (if the rumours about accused "rape" are true)

Just thought I'd clear the air a bit.
So if anyone is going to post clips which they are unsure about, make sure you credit the original creator of the clip or picture where possible, and that you do not directly upload content to this site!!