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View Full Version : What's your take on this story about guy destroying SUV?

26th July 2008, 05:13 AM
Here is a story about a guy who has seen the light on SUV's and wants 2 destroy his SUV. Instead of selling it or giving it away to some poor person who cant afford a ride, he'd rather destroy it instead. There is 1 good thing about him destroying it if it happened. The SUV is an ugly ass range rover & 1 less of those is a great thing. My other feelings on this is he probably has the same problem as others when it comes 2 selling their SUV's right now. They can't give them away, there aren't any takers. Do you feel the same way the other people has been commenting on him? Saying he's selfish, which I can agree with to an extent. Some say he should blow up the SUV with him in it. He should give it to the ones who have no vehicle. Here's the link to the story.

26th July 2008, 06:14 PM
The residual pollution caused from the destroyed vehicle would outweigh the cost of the car itself. If he's not going to donate it (which he probably will), and he's deadset on destroying it, have it crushed (or dismantled, then crushed). Mayhem....with less pollution. :) Gotta be green...know what I mean? :)


27th July 2008, 08:14 PM
I think it's silly that they are all butthurt he won't donate it to the poor.
How the hell can poor people afford the gas to drive around in it?
I agree with kai though, don't burn it, smash it, and sell the scraps, that way it's not a full loss, and you're going green.
I hate those big ass annoying monster trucks, and SUVs people like that just seem like assholes, guzzling all of our gas for what?
Now I do know some people buy trucks and vans because they need to haul gear, and I am not talking about those people, i am talking about the people who get those giant cars just to drive around.

28th July 2008, 02:20 AM
I would never donate it to the poor, but I would donate to an organization that helps the poor.

I know not a lot of people are going to like this, but a majority of poor people are poor because they cant manage their own money. Yes, a lot of people simply fall on hard times, but they are far from the majority.

28th July 2008, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by SionDS
I would never donate it to the poor, but I would donate to an organization that helps the poor.

I know not a lot of people are going to like this, but a majority of poor people are poor because they cant manage their own money. Yes, a lot of people simply fall on hard times, but they are far from the majority.
I'm ok with what you said. Some people are poor cause they're terrible with money management. I just wish that there should be money management classes in high school & maybe college also. Make it mandatory. Stop a lot of this poverty. Teach people the differences between needs & wants.

28th July 2008, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by FartPallete
I think it's silly that they are all butthurt he won't donate it to the poor.
How the hell can poor people afford the gas to drive around in it?
I agree with kai though, don't burn it, smash it, and sell the scraps, that way it's not a full loss, and you're going green.
I hate those big ass annoying monster trucks, and SUVs people like that just seem like assholes, guzzling all of our gas for what?
Now I do know some people buy trucks and vans because they need to haul gear, and I am not talking about those people, i am talking about the people who get those giant cars just to drive around.
Amen! ::great Where I live its mainly monster trucks & big butt SUV's. A lot of them don't really need them. I think it could be the little man/little woman syndrome. Get implants. One woman used need more room for more people as an excuse. TELL THEM TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT! :[ Get a van, they're still alright. I don't know the average amount of gallons vans take but it still has to be a lot less than the SUV's.

28th July 2008, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by HOOF HEARTED

Originally posted by SionDS
I would never donate it to the poor, but I would donate to an organization that helps the poor.

I know not a lot of people are going to like this, but a majority of poor people are poor because they cant manage their own money. Yes, a lot of people simply fall on hard times, but they are far from the majority.
I'm ok with what you said. Some people are poor cause they're terrible with money management. I just wish that there should be money management classes in high school & maybe college also. Make it mandatory. Stop a lot of this poverty. Teach people the differences between needs & wants.

the part about this that i hate is that the way the american economy functions it would fall even faster if the poor weren't around.

4th August 2008, 07:06 PM
There's still a big market for SUV's in South America. Several of those countries including Brazil and Venezuela still have cheap gas.

He should sell it to someone down there and donate the money to the poor - or an environmental organization. ::great

8th August 2008, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Gasskisser
There's still a big market for SUV's in South America. Several of those countries including Brazil and Venezuela still have cheap gas.

He should sell it to someone down there and donate the money to the poor - or an environmental organization. ::great
I read somewhere & boy there's 1 great thing about some of these foreign countries. Some of them are under a dollar. There was one that was 16 cents a gallon. And another reasons there should be a stoppage of SUV's. Some of them nearly look like each other now. The new Escalade looks like the old Suburban, the new Tahoe looks like the old Escalade, the new Suburban looks ugly. And another one....can't remember. There is 1 silver lining, the new Navigator is no longer ugly like past Navigators.