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7th June 2008, 10:35 AM
This site has given me so much, I wish I could contribute.
All I can offer are stories I wrote before I knew there were others with similar
interests to me, when I felt alone and frustrated.
I have found an old floppy disk with some of my stories, they are in aski, similar to notepad. If people are interested I could post them, although they are not always
totally fart related.
As an example I have an extract from one of my stories, please respond if you find this interesting:

Welcome to the planet of non mainstream sexual activiity, all those
passengers wishing to explore their wildest fetishes and most bizzare
sexual activities please leave the craft through gate one.

To explain the activities of the planet, it is one which has been
developed to cater for those who have not been able to communicate
their needs in so called other planets mainstream activities, the
personage in control of this planet are very understanding of different
tastes and requirements and hope visitors will enjoy their stay and
settlers find the facilities suitable.

Graham alighted through the gate, eagerly awaiting a chance to explore
all the activities he was embarrased to talk about on his home planet,
since he did not like football, getting drunk and brawling he did not
have many friends He was continually frustrated because he
could not even talk about his sexual preferences, let alone find anyone
understanding enough to even ask for help, he found his journey of hope
to a planet of understanding a new source of inspiration, although he
did not have high hopes, as many times in the past he had been
dissapointed, humiliated and unfairly mistreated.

Graham was already begining to feel he had been cheated once again, as
the corridor which led through the electromedicheck to the main teleport
looked exactly as the one he had left, people looked the same as he
dragged his luggage down into the main lounge.

Tired after his journey he sat with his luggage in the lounge, excited
with the promised expectations, yet puzzled and expecting disapointment
because it all looked so normal.
One of the space tripper Hostesses sat next to him, he smiled at her,
Graham was not what you would call an attractive person, but his
friendy personality did shine through an otherwise uninteresting

The Hostess said you're a new arrival then, reading his face which
showed both confusion and that he was tired.
Graham nodded.

The Hostess continued don't worry things are different here.
She was wearing Jeans, a tight windcheater and runners, she noticed
Graham was paying equal attention to her brests, face and runners.
He was actually paying sufficient attention to her runners for her to
remark, you know I have been on my feet all day, I think I might just
slip my shoes off, you don't mind do you.
She saw Grahams face light up.

THe Hostess undid the laces of her shoes, losened them and slid them
off, placing them near Graham.

On the other planet a Lady would not even consider doing this in case
the smell of her shoes was thought offensive, but Graham could quite in
fact smell the odour from her shoes and moved a little closer so he
could enjoy it more.
The Hostess said to Graham, is the smell of my sneekers causing you
some discomfort.
Graham smiled and said of course not.
She then said You wouldn't like to sniff them and tell me how bad they
Graham picked up her runner and sniffed inside, he inhaled the warm
sweet air of her shoe which she had worn all day, it smelt strong, he
inhaled deeply again, her sweaty feet, busy all day had made her
runner smell quite a lot, enough for Graham to enjoy.

She offered him the other runner which he also inhaled the rich scent
of her sweaty feet deeply.

She then also lent to one side, Graham could see the crease in her
jeans which faithfully followed the curves of her shapley buttocks and
hesitatingly he lent over, driven with the desire to sniff her bum he
found himself with his nose pressed up against her jeans.
She said I'm going to fart and Graham, for the first time in his life
found himself sniffing a strange ladies bum, who was going to fart.
And she did, Graham was surprised, but she farted, right here, in
public, right while he was sniffing her bum, he felt the vibration of
her fart through her jeans and he sniffed, the smell was heven to
Graham, the warm smell, a mixture of meat and cauliflower, sweet, yet
Ten minutes on the planet and Graham had experienced extacy, smelling
first the hot sweaty runners then the fart of an attractive young lady.