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View Full Version : need dating advice!

4th September 2015, 07:03 AM
so I met a girl in class yesterday. we talked for a little bit and... yeah that's it. I didn't flirt with her or anything. I didn't even get her number . thing is, I've never really had a girlfriend before and whenever I try to get to know a girl, I end up becoming her friend rather than her boyfriend. idk I tend to feel more comfortable doing that but I end up being dissatisfied. I'm pretty sure that flirting is the way to avoid that but how do I flirt? can someone give examples? I try to start a convo and I end up being at a loss for words and topics. how do you guys handle awkward silences?
and also, I've never asked a girl for her number. so how do I do this without being awkward as fuck? (I slur my words and stutter)

Dildo T Baggins
4th September 2015, 08:54 AM
She needs to know right from the get go that you find her attractive in that "touch me dingdong" sort of way! Otherwise, straight to their "listen to all of my problems with out the incentive of my pussy" friend zone you'll be allocated to.::great

4th September 2015, 10:56 AM
I'm glad there's a topic on this. Un4tunately, the co-worker i'm interested in right now has a GF. Yes she's bi. Part of me wants someone that's bi. Mainly cause I have the worst luck with the female gender when it comes to a date, relationship, sex. Pisses me off. Of course I wanna concentrate with the co-worker & her only. She would be my main focus. I would like to have what the husband of the late Anna Malle did. If he wanted to have sex with another woman, Anna would have to have her 50% with the woman. I'd have no problem with that. Is it because I wanna make up for the women in the past I didn't get? Yep. And women of all races looking good in a racially diverse area. The gift & curse of that.
If her relationship with the girl is over with, i'd mainly want advice on when it would be the best times to text, call, email her. And have the talk with her in getting to know her better. I never had a gf, date ever. I know how 2 treat a woman like a queen. I know its not best to text, call, email every day. I don't wanna overdo it. I hope the age difference won't be a problem for her. She's 18 & I always wanted a legal blonde white teen. I'm old, but I had lots of shitty years & monthly periods that I don't count in my age. I don't look old, I don't get up with ease like I use to in my younger days.
Many people would like someone the same age, size, race but things don't go how they want it sometimes. There are a few women older than both my parents I wanna be with. They're called Jaclyn Smith, Loni Anderson, & Florence Henderson. And Christie Brinkley who's only older than my mother.

4th September 2015, 04:51 PM
so I met a girl in class yesterday. we talked for a little bit and... yeah that's it. I didn't flirt with her or anything. I didn't even get her number . thing is, I've never really had a girlfriend before and whenever I try to get to know a girl, I end up becoming her friend rather than her boyfriend. idk I tend to feel more comfortable doing that but I end up being dissatisfied. I'm pretty sure that flirting is the way to avoid that but how do I flirt? can someone give examples? I try to start a convo and I end up being at a loss for words and topics. how do you guys handle awkward silences?
and also, I've never asked a girl for her number. so how do I do this without being awkward as fuck? (I slur my words and stutter)
or just do it straight and say (and i quote), "Would you like to go out on a date/for dinner with me some time (instead of "some time" give a specific day)?" yeah, it's awkward and not the way all the cool kids are doing it but you said you've already talked for a bit so if she likes you at all then she'll be down. either way, be confident and don't start rambling... keep it short and to the point. nothing says unconfident like rambling and beating around the bush. if you choose a different way of asking her out, then go for it but the point is to be completely unambiguous in what you want out of the deal. women like guys who are filled to the brim with confidence so even if it's a disaster you'll still have a chance if it's a disaster with confidence. besides, the worst she can say is no (or some ridiculing variant of it) and then you're done.