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View Full Version : Gray & Blue Studios Patreon

24th August 2014, 09:44 AM
My friend has opened up his own business through patreon, and guess what?
He does fart art work both furry and humans.


What is Patreon?
Patreon is a device which allows you to support your friends and favorite artists by donating some loose change every once in a while, if you so choose. You can pledge anonymously, and cancel if you change your mind.

Who are we?
We are a pair of graphic designers who after having worked the field for a little bit and finished college have found that line of work is not our passion.
We rather enjoy working for ourselves and with your support we can continue to do what we love and produce quality work that you will love. Currently we operate an online store that houses adult graphic novels but we also produce personal work for clients such as character models, character designs and even sequence work. We are open minded artists and for the most part are comfortable producing a menagerie of art and have only a few subjects we shy away from. We are also real open to talking with our audience and clientele to give them (by extension you) an understand that we want to know what you want so we can produce it.

Why should I give $?
To put it blunt your support will keep us alive.
Seriously, while we work around the clock to produce quality work we really want to be able to support ourselves full time.
With the opportunity patreon provides we can accomplish this. However this isn’t just about making money for our lively hood. The funding we get also cycles back into our business to improve. Your funds be it donations or purchases of our product goes to improving equipment. We purchase expensive supplies like tablets and software to produce out content.
Not only that but we have wanted to create a website that would provide free and purchasable content but have yet acquired the funds for it and with patreon we can begin a savings account to pay for such a venture. Also with enough funds we can convert to fulltime which means we get to dedicate more time to making more content that you and we both love.

What will you do if your Patreon is a Success?
Any amount is a Success.
However, if our Patreon were to become popular enough to support us we’d dedicate to full time service and we will be producing a website that will have free content and purchasable content. We’ll be able to do personal commissions and hold special drives on occasion for sweet deals.

Can I Support you without Using Patreon?
Of Course, You may visit our online store and purchase any of our fine products.
e-junkie.com/gray-n-blue-studios (http://www.e-junkie.com/gray-n-blue-studios)
And if you like you may visit our current two sites available on deviantART and furaffinity which allows us to communicate with you directly.
furaffinity.net/user/graybluestudios (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/graybluestudios)
graybluestudios.deviantart.com/ (http://graybluestudios.deviantart.com/)

To avoid any issues with Patreon policies we will provide you with prizes directly from us through emails. Once a tier is met what we will do is provide you with a contact email with a file you must fill out and return to us so we can get to work on producing your prize.

In the end we simply ask for you to help out a pair of artist who want to take a hobby and make it grow into something more. Help us take a dream and make it into a reality.
