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7th January 2008, 05:42 PM
The Punishment by Wolf

Well there I was walking down the hall in the Court House, on my way to pay another speeding ticket. It was number two in the last 6 months, which just so happened to be when I'd bought a new Z-28. It wouldn't be long before I'd lose my license if I didn't take the damn lead out of my shoe...

Making it to the elevators I pushed the buttons on all three so I didn't have to wait for just one of them to come down to the first floor. As I stood there waiting for one of them to open, I looked up the hall and noticed an extremely good looking woman bending over getting a drink at the water fountain. Actually, I couldn't even see her face from my present angle. What I DID see was an excellent shot of her ass! God damn was it nice! She was wearing a pair of red dress slacks that looked like they'd been spray painted on they were so tight! Her butt looked full and firm with incredible shape, and her slacks were worked way up inside her crack. There was only a small crease line where her ass met leg, and I knew she had to have either been highly blessed when she came into this world, or she worked out with dedication to have such incredible shape. In affect, the scene completely made my day.

I was still gaping away at her when she finally finished getting her drink and turned around. Wow!!! Her facial beauty was of such high degree that I was positive I'd never seen better! The long glossy black hair that framed it was professionally done, and further enhanced her overall beauty. Then my eyes were drawn to her ample and mostly exposed breasts. The red and black shirt she had on looked to be made of the same material as her slacks, and was of like tightness too! It left very little to the imagination the way it clung to every curve and its low-cut front, which was in turn leaving a good portion of her cleavage exposed.

I didn't look away and close my mouth until I noticed she had caught me staring, and was walking in my direction. That's also when I noticed that all three elevator doors were open and waiting on me.

I stepped into the center one, which was the one I'd been standing in front of, and belatedly realized that I was hard as hell. I had a t-shirt and a pair of cut-off jean shorts on with no underwear beneath, and was painfully aware that if anyone happened to look, they'd be able to see my embarrassing display within.

My breath caught in my throat when the elevator doors stopped closing at about halfway, and in walked the red clothed Goddess. She looked right at me as she stepped in, giving me one of those 'hello, how are you' kind of smiles. I don't remember doing or saying anything in return. I just looked away in horror that she might see the erect state I was in.

Whether she did or didn't notice I don't know. She merely stepped in, turned around in front of me, and waited for the elevator to do its thing. My eyes went straight to her ass when she'd turned around, and I was floored by the erotic shape it possessed. It was even more remarkable now that I had a closer view of it, and I could feel myself becoming extremely aroused by its presents.

The doors shut and the elevator jerked with movement. A few seconds went by before she abruptly bent down and placed the briefcase she'd been carrying on the floor in front of her. Her knee's never bent at all. Having bent over as far as she did let reveal just how far her slacks had worked up her crack. Jesus! They had to have been bottoming out they were in so deep! I looked up and saw that we'd just passed the second floor, and upon looking up I noticed that the doors to the elevator had a mirror like quality to them. I could see myself and the Goddess before me with rather good clarity. That's when I wondered if she'd been able to see me staring at her ass just a little while ago. If she had, then it didn't seem to have bothered her at all beings she'd never said a word about it.

Having the most beautiful ass in the world right in front of me, and beings I was a butt-man in the extreme, I let my desires overpower reason and did something I never would have dreamed I'd have the guts to do in reality.

Taking one step forward, my heart racing like wild fire, I bent down and put my nose as close to her ass as I dared, and took a quick whiff of it. Initially I hadn't figured on being able to smell anything from it as high class and clean as she looked. I figured if I smelt anything at all it would have been perfume. Boy was I wrong!! That short but powerful whiff I took of her ass brought to my senses the most erotic odor I'd ever smelt. The odor of shit coming off her ass was subtle, but was definitely noticeable!

Standing upright again, my heart racing within my chest at what I'd just done and had gotten away with, I just knew I had to have another whiff while she was still busy rooting through her briefcase. Looking up I saw we had just passed the third floor and was heading to the fourth and last. I had to be quick.

As before, I bent down and put my nose right up to her crack and took a big whiff of her erotic ass scent. Instead of standing upright after my whiff, I stayed there and took another. That was a mistake!

The elevator came to a jarring halt.

When the sudden stop came, I fell forward and she'd fell back. My face shot right into her ass! Regaining my balance as fast as I could, I quickly stepped back standing upright as I went. I heard her acclaim "What the hell?!" as she regained her balance and likewise stood upright. I thought my goose was cooked, but instead of spinning around and throttling me, she looked up at the floor indicator. That's when the buzzer went off.

We were stranded.

"Well, so much for my meeting." I heard her say in a defeated tone.

"You okay Miss?" I asked weakly.

Turning around to face me, she flashed a half-hearted smile and replied, "Yes. Thank you for catching me, by the way. I'm sure I would have landed on my backside had you not been there."

I felt my face flush as I said, "No problem. Were you on your way to something important?"

"Not really." She answered, shaking her head. "Just a client, that's all."

"Well, I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure they'll get us going in no time." I said in reassurance.

She smiled her thanks, then turned back around and bent back over to pick up the stuff that had fallen out of her briefcase. I couldn't bring myself to help her out beings she was presenting me with another wonderful shot of her ass again. All I could do was stand there and stare.

Getting everything put back away, she laid the case on its side, stood and turned to face me again. "I hope you don't think me rude, but I have to get some of this work in order yet, and beings we're not going anywhere, I guess it would be a perfect time to do so."

"No, no! I don't mind. Go ahead." I replied quickly.

Smiling her thanks, she offered her hand and said, "By the way, my name is Silvia."

"John." I said taking her hand. It felt soft, smooth, and flawless, just like the rest of her seemed to look.

Turning and getting down on her knee's, she sat back on her heels, undid her briefcase and pulled out a lot of papers and started sorting them out. I watched from above and behind, relishing the way her slacks revealed her ass's valley they were in so deep. The buzzer that was going off was a distant thing now that I had this in front of me. Then, a few minutes into her sorting of papers, the buzzer went off. Neither one of us took notice. A few minutes after that, I watched as she began putting papers into small piles in front of her until she had to lean forward so far that she had to get to her knee's and one hand. Her ass was now pointing straight back at me and was looking even better then it had so far if that were possible.

I knew what I wanted to do, but I wasn't sure if I should chance it again. I didn't know what she was doing, and didn't know how long she'd be in that position, but after only a minute or two it became to enticing for me to resist. Stepping forward and squatting down as quietly as I could, I walked ahead on my hands and put my nose up to her ass for a sniff. I was taking my second inhale of her subtle butt odor when I heard her squeeze out a small quiet fart. Had I been standing back where I had been and should have been, I no doubt would never have heard it. Not believing my luck, I inhaled deeply the gas seeping through her thin slacks. It had the same quality in smell that her ass had, but in more quantity. I was in Heaven!!!

After smelling her fart to completion, and then smelling her ass for another good minute, I thought it best if I stood back up. Standing now and looking down at her ass as she remained on all fours sorting through papers, I began feeling myself through my shorts. I was horny as hell!!! I tore my hand away from my cock when she suddenly started talking.

"Just my luck," she stated.

Looking into the mirror-like doors, I saw that she was looking at me in its reflection. I swallowed hard knowing she'd probably seen my groping myself while staring at her ass. Not knowing what else to say, I replied, "W-What's the matter?"

"I need to use the Ladies Room," she said with a small smirk on her face.

Seeing as I wasn't going to be scolded for my vulgar display, I said jokingly, "Well, I hope you don't have to pee too bad. It doesn't look like they're going to be rescuing us any time soon."

She shook her head and looked back down at her paperwork, "It's not a pee I have to take."

I nearly had a heart attack when I heard her admit that she had to take a shit! The thought of that beautiful ass pushing out a big turd nearly sent me over the edge! My God, I couldn't believe she'd just told me that!

"I hope you don't mind," she said, "but I'll probably have to pass a little gas every now and then to keep my stomach from cramping."

She looked back up at my reflection and awaited my response with a look that I'm almost positive was mischief. Sucking in enough air to talk, I replied, "Well, I'd hate to see you go to your meeting with a bunch of gas in your stomach. You better take advantage of this while you can." The way my answer came out sounded almost like a plea.

Her smile of what I now know was mischief, getting bigger, she said, "Thank you so much. You're so sweet. I hope they don't stink too much for your sake." Then went back to her paper sorting, staying on all fours.

I knew this chick was way out of my league, but I'll be damned if she didn't just give me permission to smell her ass!! And that's exactly what I did too! I quickly came forward and got into my former position and began smelling her ass again. I wasn't totally sure whether she'd given me permission or not, so I kept my distance so I wouldn't touch her by accident and find out I'd been wrong. That subtle shit odor was still there, and I was loving every sniff of it. I must have smelt her ass for a good 3 minutes when all of a sudden she cut loose a huge rumbling fart. I was shocked by its loud entrance! I'd thought she'd let them out in quiet little things like her first one had been. Boy was I wrong! It lasted for a full second, and sounded quite forced as it came out. Not having any notion of pulling away, I remained where I was and inhaled all I could of that precious gas she had just passed.

"It doesn't smell bad does it?" she asked suddenly.

Without thinking, I remained where I was and replied, "God no! It smells wonderful!" Then I realized what I'd just said and pulled away in panic. Looking in the reflective doors I saw that she wasn't looking up at me at all, but was continuing to sort through her papers.

She giggled a little and said, "Well, it's a good thing you liked it so much, because there's going to be a lot more where that came from, let me tell you!" Even as she stopped talking, another smaller fart squeaked out from her sweet looking ass.

"Aren't you going to smell that one?" she asked playfully.

I looked from her ass and back to her reflection and saw she was smiling really big.

"Pardon me?" I asked horrified.

"I haven't stopped you so far." She said matter-of-factly. "Aren't you going to smell this one too?"

I was left speechless from the knowledge that this Supreme Being had known all along that I'd been smelling her ass, and had let me get away with it. I honestly couldn't think of a reply, so I just stood there staring back at her reflection in fear, arousal, and puzzlement combined.

Seeing my reaction, she lifted a thin brow. "Well?"

"W-Well what?" I stuttered.

Her smile of mischief was back, but was this time it was mixed with a look of superiority. "Aren't you going to smell my ass again?"

I felt very small as I returned her gaze. Her facial expression was intimidating as hell!! My first attempt at a response started coming out in a stammering, incoherent jumble of words, so I stopped and tried again. "I-I w-would be honored." I finally managed to get out.

Both of her brows shot up as she asked, "Is that right!?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Now why is that?"

Trying to get control of my dried out tongue, I said simply, "You're a Goddess."

I could tell she was a bit flattered by my statement, but kept her look of superiority in place nonetheless. "A Goddess?"

"Yes ma'am." I said nodding.

She paused for a few seconds, then asked, "You would do anything for a Goddess wouldn't you?"

"Yes ma'am."


"Yes ma'am."

There was another pause... Then, "Let's just see if that's true then. Shove your nose as far up my ass as you can and smell it as though it were a gift from me!"

She may have thought it was a cruel punishment to put me through, but she couldn't have been more wrong! I shot to the floor and had my nose up her ass as deep as it would go so fast that it looked like I'd teleported. The valley of her ass was warm and smooth against my nose and cheeks. The odor coming from it wasn't as subtle now that I was right up to its source, and consequently I was loving it like nothing else!!

"You're one sick fucker, you know that!" I heard her state.

I didn't bother with a reply, and I didn't give a shit about her insult at all. She was giving me something that she couldn't possibly know how much I cherished. So long as she let me smell her ass's foul odor, she could insult me all day long for all I cared.

"Keep smelling it!" she demanded. "This is for being so rude and vulgar in front of a Lady!" Then farted loud and long right in my face. "Smell it! I want to hear you!"

I complied with her demands and inhaled loudly as I sucked up every bit of her dull but abundant odor of shit coming out of her beautiful ass.

"Maybe this will teach you some manners and you'll start acting like a gentlemen from now on when you're around a woman! Keep smelling it Slime! You deserve every bit of this!"

With the amount of energy I was putting into smelling her ass, I didn't think she could possibly believe I was in torment over this! Hell, let her think what she wanted to think. It didn't matter either way. In the end, we were both getting what we wanted.

After about five minutes of smelling her ass, and two more of her farts, she pulled away and stood up. I sat back on my heels and looked up at her as she turned and looked down at me. "It's not enough." she said, placing her hands on her hips. "Your punishment needs to be worse!"

I didn't move or say a word in response. I just looked up at the glare she was giving me and waited with hidden enthusiasm as to what she might come up with as a more severe discipline. Coming to a conclusion, she unsnapped her slacks, then unzipped them as well. She then walked over to the side of the elevator and pulled her slacks down to her ankles in one fluid movement. The sight of her wondrously shaped ass coming into view was something to write poems about! Good Christ was it magnificent in shape!!

"Get over here and shove your nose back up my ass!" she demanded.

She had leaned forward and placed her hands on the handrail in the elevator wall, and had stuck her ass out awaiting my comply. I did as bid, and in a very big hurry too! I crawled over to her on my knees as fast as I could, then looked at her white bare ass with astonished delight.

"Don't just sit there! Spread my ass and get your nose right up against my shit hole!" She demanded, looking down at me from over her shoulder.

Placing my shaking hands on each of her cheeks, I gently pushed them apart to reveal her slightly open, perfectly shaped sphincter within. There was no doubt in my mind now as to why I had been able to get a shit odor from her when I'd smelt her ass that first time. She did indeed have to take a shit! Her small gaping hole revealed the tip of a hard brown turd within. I'd never in my life seen anything more erotic then this!!!


I rushed in and placed my nose up against the small opening in her sphincter and inhaled deeply, passionately. Oh man was that odor strong! It wasn't intense and blood curdling, but was simply packing a full dull shit odor that aroused me to the core! As I continued to smell her shit hole, I could feel her every now and then contract her sphincter. It was quite a rush feeling her ass hole move against my nose! Then, she farted. I was a little shocked at first by its sudden arrival, and had flinched away in response.

"Get your nose back in there damn it!" she immediately cried.

As soon as I got my nose back into her crack, she let another more powerful fart directly against my waiting nose. I quickly inhaled as much as could of it, basking in the powerful odor it possessed. I pushed and shoved my nose against her sphincter for maximum gas catching, and in the next five minutes she farted four more times straight up my eagerly awaiting nose. Then something terrible happened.

The elevator jerked into motion again.

I had quickly backed away from her and stood up, while she just as quickly pulled her slacks back up and clothed herself. Once she had herself presentable again, she bent down and quickly gathered up her piles of paper and put them away. The elevator doors opened no sooner then she'd stood upright. It was a good thing to, because there was at least ten people just outside of them.

Turning suddenly to face me, she gave me a warm appreciative smile and said, "Thank you very much for your wonderful company." Then placed something in my hand as she leaned forward and gave me a small peck on the cheek. I watched her walk out as some of her friends gathered around her asking all sorts of questions at once. Looking down at the object in my hand, I discovered she had slipped me her business card which possessed her work number as well as her home number. I was shocked to think such a woman as her would want to see ME, and looked back up and out at her receding form as she was ushered away by her friends. The elevator repairman was looking in at me with a knowing smile on his face. I smiled back in selfish glee.

Part 2

Over the next two days, I'd done a lot of thinking about what had transpired between the Goddess and me that day in the elevator. At first I'd thought that for some remarkable reason she wanted to see me, and perhaps start a relationship. But after a while of thinking a little more on that subject, I finally rejected the notion and came to the conclusion that she could only want one thing from a guy like me. She wanted to use me. Then I realized that wouldn't be all that bad since I'd thoroughly enjoyed it the other day in the elevator.

I'd lost count as to how many times I'd jerked off in the past two days, thinking solely about her incredible ass and the gas it had produced that wonderful day. My mind made up as to my course of action, I went to the phone and dialed her work number.

She answered on the second ring. "Hello?"

"I-its me," I stammered.

She giggled. "Does 'me' mean 'John'?"

"Uh, yeah," I replied stupidly.

"Do you want legal advice, or something else?" she asked coyly.

"Um.....Something else."

Another giggle. "Well, I think I could squeeze you in around 1:00 today if that fit's into your schedule."

"Yeah! No problem!" I answered enthusiastically.

She giggled again, then said, "Give me your address, I'll pick you up."

I gave her my address and she read it back to make sure she'd got it right. "Oh, and John. You do know that since we were interrupted the other day, I'm going to have to continue with your punishment today, don't you?"

"Yes ma'am." I answered, feeling my adrenaline rise at the thought.

"That's good to know, because I wasn't even close to being done with you." She paused to let this information sink in, then asked, "See you at 1:00?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Good. Bye John."

"Bye." My cock was fully erect as I hung up the phone. I just couldn't believe that she wanted to see me again! Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I was ugly or anything. It's just that I didn't think I was good looking enough to draw her attention, let alone want to be seen with me! I mean, she was a Goddess for Christ sakes! How could she possibly want to be with ME? I had no doubt that she could have any man she desired, so I figured that I was going to be nothing but an object to which she would vent her erotic desires on, and that's all. Well, that was fine by me damn it!!

In the two hours that I had to wait, I made sure I was especially clean and properly clothed before she arrived. My whole attire was black in color. Jeans, shirt, boots. I would have to say that I looked rather good in the outfit I chose. I only hoped that she would take notice and agree.

At 1:00 sharp the doorbell rang. I was a ball of nervous energy as I opened the door. It was 'Her', Silvia, the Goddess. It took my breath away to gaze upon her beauty again. Her incredible good looks, long glossy black hair, and astonishing phasic was complemented by the snug dark green outfit she was wearing. Again it consisted of slacks and v-neck shirt, both of which looked molded to her frame. She was awe-inspiring to behold!

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" she asked, breaking through the coma I'd been in.

"Please! Come in!" I said quickly.

She stepped past me and continued on through my house. She stopped walking once she made it to the livingroom, then turned and gave me the 'once over'. A small smile showing on her face, she said, "You look nice. What's the occasion?"

"Um, I wanted to look good for you," I said nervously.

She nodded, her smile getting bigger. "And do you still think me a Goddess?"

"Oh yes ma'am!" I answered truthfully.

A full fledge smile on her face now, she asked, "And how do I look?"

I gaped at her body as she slowly did a 360. Once she had finished her turn and was facing me again, I licked my lips and said, "You look absolutely incredible!"

"And did you like the way my ass looked in these slacks as well?"

"God yes!" I breathed. Like the one's from the other day, these too had been worked way up the crack of her ass, revealing the exact shape it possessed.

"Well, I'm going to have to make you smell it again. Your rudeness the other day was atrocious. I'm going to have to punish you thoroughly for that."

I nodded in understanding, and was anxious for my punishment to continue.

"I'm glad I didn't use the Ladies Room before I came over. It will only help me in dishing out your punishment now."

I knew that she meant that she had to take a shit, and like the other day she would be passing a lot of gas again. I couldn't wait to smell it again!!

"Let's get started shall we?" she said, turning around to present her ass to me. "Now, get over here and put your nose in my ass good and deep."

Not hesitating at all, I walked over and got down to my knees directly in back of her. Her astonishingly beautiful ass was straight ahead of me. My God did I want it! It was just so God damn perfect!!

"Go on!" she stated, looking back over her shoulder at me. "Get your nose in there!"

Taking hold of her hips, I shoved my nose deep into her crack. The fabric of her slacks felt smooth against my face, and the crack of her ass very warm. I was thrilled beyond belief to once again have my nose up her ass! "Now start smelling it!" she said evenly. I knew she enjoyed this as much as me. I also knew that she would try hard not to show it, just like she'd done in the elevator. I think just the thought of putting me through something so horrible turned her on, and perhaps even got her off. Well, she may have thought it was horrible to make me smell her ass, but I sure as Hell wasn't going to tell her I was loving it like nothing else! I took my first big whiff of her ass and was delighted when I received a nice poignant aroma of shit. It was fantastic!

"That's it! Smell my ass!" she said cruelly. "I'm going to do a thorough job in punishing you today! Now keep smelling!"

I did. I smelt her ass for all I was worth. I couldn't get enough of the dirty odor coming from it. I really started to work my nose up her crack, trying desperately to get even deeper.

"Hold still!" she demanded.

I obeyed and stopped grinding. I could feel her work her sphincter muscles, and soon she blasted forth a massive fart! It was loud, long, and forced. It vibrated crudely against my nose as it shot out of her ass hole, and I nearly came in my pants from the effect it had on me! The odor of the abundant gas she expelled was of the same likeness as her ass crack, only more dense and plentiful. I inhaled deep and often, not wanting to miss any of it.

"Oh yeah!" she breathed. "That feels good! Did you like it? Was it nice and nasty?" I pulled my nose out of her ass far enough so I could talk, and answered breathlessly, "Yes ma'am! It was magnificent!"

"You're one sick fucker, you know that!?" I heard her say.

"Oh yes ma'am!" I said without looking up. I was instead looking straight ahead taking in the exquisite site of her ass. She shot her ass back towards my face and yelled at me to get my nose back inside. I complied greedily and rammed my face back into it with erotic glee. I spent a good long time smelling the mouth-watering aroma emanating from her crack. Every 3 or 4 minutes she would break wind in my face and order me to suck up every bit of it. I needed no encouragement, and did as demanded. I ground my nose into her ass in small circles, feeling and loving the firmness of it as it pressed and conformed against my face. I was becoming so turned on that I was starting to sweat like a stuck pig! Suddenly pulling away from me, she spun around and glared down at me. I could see that despite the look of a bitch she was putting on, she was also highly aroused. Her whole face was flushed and glowing, and her chest heaving from exertion. I looked up into her beautiful blues and waited.

"Stay right here!" she ordered. "Don't move a muscle!" She then walked past me and out of the livingroom.

I was perplexed as to what she was doing, but wasn't about to disobey her order. I groped myself while down on my knee's as I awaited her return. I knew if I were to take my cock out and start jacking off, that it would probably only take about 30 seconds for me to get off. I wasn't about to do THAT either, at least not until she ordered me to. As I sat there on my heels thinking about her overwhelming beauty, I knew there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her. When she finally walked back into the room, I was shocked to see that she was without pants. My eyes went straight to her bald, clean shaved cunt, and was again presented with a site of perfection. It looked fat and firm, and consisted of nothing but a slit. I couldn't see any part of her inner lips hanging out at all. I couldn't take my eyes off it as she made her way across the room. Stopping directly in front of me, she stood motionless for a few seconds and allowed me to take in the delicious scene before me. I could feel the saliva running out the side of my mouth and work its way down my chin, but I didn't make a move to wipe it off because it didn't seem as important as what was before me. Without a word, she turned around and presented her breathtaking bare ass to me. I could have studied her hips, thigh's, and butt all day long and never have found one single flaw!

"Are you ready to continue?" I heard her ask. I couldn't find my voice, so I just nodded, keeping my eyes glued to her ass. "I want you to spread my ass apart as far as you can."

In a distant part of my mind, I realized there was something different about her tone, but beings I wasn't entirely coherent at the moment, I couldn't quite put my finger on what the difference was. Doing as bid, I placed my hands on her round firm cheeks and pushed them apart slowly and steadily until I had them good and wide. Upon seeing what it was I revealed in doing this, literally made my head spin! She had gone and taken a shit, and hadn't bother to wipe afterwards! Though there wasn't a lot, there was more then a little bit of tacky looking shit smeared all over her sweet perfect sphincter! I looked at the display in awe, not believing what I was seeing!

"Now, for your final punishment I want you clean up the mess you see before you," she said, and again I detected that odd tone in her voice.

I pried my eyes away from her filthy hole and looked up to see her looking back at me. That was when I discovered what had changed in her manner. She was nervous. I could see it in her facial expression that she was afraid she was truly going to offend me. I could also see a wanting look there too, and knew that despite her nervousness, she really wanted me to do this for her. Well, as I'd said earlier, there wasn't anything I WOULDN'T do for her. I looked back to her shit smeared hole and slowly came forward. I wasn't doing this merely to satisfy HER. This was definitely something I wanted to do for MYSELF as well. It would have taken a small army to pull me away from her ass now!!

I was about halfway there when she quickly said in a nervous voice, "John! You don't have to do this if you don't want."

I backed away again so I could look up into her flawless face. "I know. This is something I really DO want to do. And besides," I added with a smile. "I told you the other day in the elevator that I would do anything for you."

After a few seconds of reading the sincerity in my eyes, a small smile of relief crept into view. I could see that she was still a little uncertain, but most of her nervousness was gone. Seeing as I'd won her over, I greedily went back to the business at hand. Taking full advantage of the gift she was offering me, I shoved my nose into the thick tacky shit covering her sphincter. It was wonderfully warm, and I eagerly ran my nose in circles until it was completely covered. I inhaled slow and deep the powerful poignant aroma of her shit, and had never been more aroused by anything else in my life! The sensation I got from smelling her stench was unexplainable it was so intense!

"Oh my God John!" she cried passionately. "I'm going to cum!" And she did too. Her whole body was suddenly raked with convulsions so intense that I had trouble keeping my nose in her ass.

In the midst of her orgasm, I finally began lapping up her shit with hunger. The bitter taste of her shit didn't repulse me at all. In fact, I found the taste of her feces absolutely desirable! It dawned on me that I was eating someone's shit, but to me, it wasn't just SOMEONE'S... It was the Goddess's! I loved every bitter swallow of shit I took, and didn't stop until she was clean and had pulled away from me! She staggered over to the wall and leaned heavily against it, her legs tightly pressed together. I could still see her body shake with little convulsions from the massive orgasm she'd just had. I didn't say or do anything, but allowed her to collect herself in silence.

Finally she turned and faced me, and the look she gave me was so profound in rapture it was almost scary! "You are mine, mister!" she stated huskily.

I swallowed hard. That look still on her face, she came back over to me and ordered me off the floor. After I sprung to my feet, she quickly got to her knees and practically ripped my pants off!

My thick, fully erect, 7 inch cock sprang up before her. Without missing a beat, she took my entire cock into her throat, and began giving me the most aggressive blowjob I'd ever received. She repeatedly slammed my cock into her throat over and over, never gagging or choking once! It was an exhilarating sight to see her devour my cock so hungrily! It wasn't a minute later when I started dumping cum into her mouth and throat by the truckloads. Again she never choked or gagged, but sucked, squeezed, and licked, until she'd drank every bit of it

My knees nearly buckled when my orgasm finally came to its end. Making sure my cock was completely clean, she stood up and engulfed me in a kiss so deep and passionate, I thought I'd drown! I didn't drown however, and I returned her kiss with just as much passion. Breaking our lip-lock, she stared into my eyes and declared with feeling, "That was incredible!" I couldn't help but smile in satisfaction over knowing I pleased her so fully. Unfortunately, she was running late for work and stated that she had to get going.

We took some time to discuss when we could meet again, and decided on seeing each other again in two days. She told me to call her tomorrow for more details, and then she was gone. I stood there in the doorway watching her Jaguar disappear in the distance, and then stood there some more. I was completely at a loss as to how to explain the way my life had changed over the past two days. I was about to partake in an adventure that most men only dreamed about. There wasn't one person I could think of who could honestly say they were living out their fantasies.

Part III

Well, it was the next day, and the day I was suppose to call her. I was excited to say the least. All I'd thought about since she'd left yesterday was what might happen the next time we met. My mind was awhirl with things that I wanted to do with her, and most of those things involved her exquisite ass. She couldn't possibly know how superior it really was! No way! Of all the women I'd seen, whether it was in pictures, movies, or reality, her ass was by far the best looking of them all!! I was getting hard again from just thinking about it.

Picking up the phone, I quickly punched in her work number.


"Hi. Its John." I said without a stutter.

"Mmmm. I'm glad you called." she said seductively. "I've been thinking a lot about how to continue with your punishment. Interested?"

I was fully erect now. "Oh I'm interested alright!"

"That's good. Are you free tomorrow at 1:00?"

I could've had an appointment for a heart transplant at that very time and it wouldn't have mattered. "Yeah, I'm free."

"Very good. Don't bother dressing up, we're just going back to my place."


"See you tomorrow Precious."

"See ya."

The phone remained at my ear even after I heard her hang up. She'd called me Precious! I was exhilarated by it! She could have told me that she loved me with all her heart and it wouldn't have had as powerful affect on me then hearing her call me Precious! Wow!

The next 25 hours went by so slow that I thought time had stopped. 1 o'clock Friday couldn't get here soon enough! When it did arrive, I was ready. The attire I'd picked to wear was the same outfit I'd been wearing the first day we'd met. Black t-shirt, and tight cut off jean shorts with no underwear on beneath. When she arrived, she remained out in her car and honked the horn. Grabbing my keys, I quickly locked up and made for her Jaguar. Heart hammering and cock at half mast, I got into her car and looked over at her. My God was she beautiful!! She had on a black one-piece spandex-type mini skirt, and MAN did she look good!!

Smiling, she leaned over and gave me a quick kiss, then said, "Hi. Ready to go?"

I returned her smile and said happily, "Hell yes!"

She giggled and put the Jag in reverse. We were off to her house. Though we small-talked along the way, my eyes continuously raked her body. I was positive the mini skirt was the only piece of clothing she was wearing. She didn't say anything about my crude staring, but instead allowed me to look all I wanted, perhaps enjoying the act as much as me.

She finally pulled into her driveway, which was actually a lane, and drove up to one of the biggest house's I'd ever seen! It was practically a mansion!

"You live here all by yourself?!" I asked awestruck.


"Good Lord! It's huge!"

She then told me that it had been her mother and fathers house, and that they had left it to her in their will. They had died in a car crash about two years ago, and she hadn't had the heart to sell the place yet. Along they way up the lane, I noticed a couple of gardeners out in the lawn trimming the hedges. I figured they were probably her own servants, because she didn't seem to take notice of them at all as we drove by.

Pulling up to the front door, we exited the car and I followed her into the house. I stared at her ass as it swayed erotically to and fro under her tight skirt. Fuck it looked good!! As soon as we entered and had shut the door, a beautiful woman in a maids outfit came through a side doorway and greeted Silvia with a warm smile. She was a Latino woman, and upon closer inspection, I found was highly attractive. The skirt to her maids outfit was nearly as short as Silvia's, and let reveal a pair of dark wonderfully shaped legs. Though I thought her beauty was abundant, she still didn't match up to Silvia. I didn't know a woman that could for that matter. After they had exchanged greetings, Silvia introduced me as 'her friend, John', and her as 'my maid Clara'.

I watched Clara give my body the once-over as we shook hands. And then watched as she gave Silvia a knowing smile of approval, before stating that she would be in the kitchen should we need anything, and then went through the same door she had entered by.

"I think she likes you." Silvia said teasingly.

I felt my face flush, and realized I was staring at the doorway in which Clara had just went through. Silvia merely giggled at my discomfort and took my arm and led me up the winding staircase to the second floor. Once up there, she led me down a wide hallway, and then into a huge bedroom. The bed on the other side of the room was a king size, four corner bed with a canopy. It was huge and elegant, and befitted a Queen! I was still looking her bedroom over in awe when she spun me around and planted a big passionate kiss on my lips. We kissed for a very long time before she finally pulled away.

"Are you ready to continue?" she asked coyly.

I nodded.

"Good. Take your clothes off and wait here for my return." she said smiling.

She gave me a quick little kiss before she disappeared through another door in the side of the room. Doing as bade, I undressed, then went over to a huge window that looked out over her entire estate. It was an impressive view! The long lane, the perfectly trimmed hedges, and the huge pond off to the side bespoke of nothing but wealth. And A LOT of it!

Hearing her come back into the room, I turned and saw that she'd brought something with her. It looked like a short legged armchair, and once she made it to the center of the room and had set it down, I discovered that that's exactly what it was. It only sat about eight inches off the floor, and as I looked it over, I discovered that the legs had actually been cut off. I looked up at Silvia a little puzzled.

Smiling, she pointed to it and said, "Sit."

Though there was a number of questions I wanted to ask, I kept my mouth shut and did as ordered. Once I was seated, she went over to a nearby dresser and removed three strips of cloth that looked to be made of silk. Two of them were about a foot in length, and the other perhaps four foot. Understanding was quick in coming as she made her way back to my side. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a little nervous, but I remained where I was without saying a word and allowed her to bind my hands to the armrests, and my torso to the chairs backrest. Once done, she came around and kneeled before me.

"You okay?" she asked, and I could tell she was a little nervous herself.

I nodded.

She smiled, then stood up and turned around. Positioning herself so her ass was right in my face, she pulled up her skirt and farted loudly straight into it. I shot my face forward as far as the binds would allow, {which put my nose about an inch away from her crack} and inhaled her expelled gas greedily. Impossibly, it smelt exactly like the farts she'd let on our two previous encounters! Wonderful!!! It had the same dull, powerful, musky odor that the others had had.

"Ohhh, I've been wanting to do that for two days now!" she moaned passionately.

I kept right on sniffing.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" I acclaimed.

"That's good!" she breathed. "I've been holding them in all day just for you."

I sniffed at her crack again, and declared, "My God I love smelling your farts!"

"Ohhh you have know idea how pleased it makes me to hear you say that!" she groaned, and then cut loose another large fart.

There was a lot of warm gas that managed to pass over my nose and face as I quickly inhaled as much as I could of it. Once her fart had dissipated, she moved back a little more to enable me to put my nose right up against her crack and continue smelling her. I did too! There was a little bit of odor coming from it and I inhaled repeatedly, absolutely loving the shitty fragrance I was taking in!

We held that position for a few minutes before she said, "I have a surprise for you."

"You do?" I asked curiously.

"Yep. And I think you'll enjoy it too." she said walking away from me.

I waited anxiously to see what the surprise was she had in store for me, and watched as she opened up the door leading to the hallway. I was shocked when in walked Clara! Clara smiled as she looked over at me, then stared down at my erect cock, while Silvia shut the door and asked her, "Are you prepared?"

"Hell yes!" Clara replied. "I've been preparing all day for this. I'm more then ready!"

Even as they walked back over to me, Clara was unfastening the skirt to her maids outfit. Once she was directly in front of me, she let it fall to the floor. I stared straight ahead at her panty covered crotch and didn't say a word. Hell, I don't even think I'd even taken breath since she'd entered!

She gave Silvia an excited look and asked, "And he likes it?"

"Oh yeah!" she replied smiling, and nodding.

Clara looked back down at me, grinned, and asked, "Would you like to smell my ass too?"

Clara was a small built woman, that perhaps hit all of five feet in height. What she lacked in size however, she more then made up for in beauty. She had excellent facial structure, and a body proportioned just right for her small frame. She was beautiful.

Nodding my head enthusiastically, I said, "Yes ma'am!"

They both giggled at my show of excitement, and then Clara spun around and put her pantied ass right in my face. She had to stand on her tip-toes to hit the right height, but once she did, it was in perfect alignment with my nose. Her ass didn't quite have the fullness that Silvia's had, but still had wonderful shape to it nonetheless. I greedily shoved my nose into her crack and took a big whiff, and was pleased to find a good strong shit odor in HER crack as well! The odor was definitely different from Silvia's, but not by that much. It had the same deep dull quality that Silvia's had, but still remained different somehow.

"Boy, he really DOES like it doesn't he?!" I heard her say.

"He loves it!" Silvia responded.

"We'll have to see if he likes this too!" Clara stated, then cut a long bubbly fart against my inhaling nose.

Beings she was still wearing her panties, the gas wasn't able to escape too quickly, and they allowed me to suck up most of the gas that issued from her ass. The aroma of her fart was of the same likeness as her crack, only more pronounced. I ground my nose into her ass as far as I could, hungrily sniffing up her gas as it came out.

"Oh God that's good!" she cried.

I couldn't have agreed more as I continued to sniff her ass and fart. I didn't know what the point of the chair was all about, I wasn't going anywhere! Even though I felt sure I could break the bonds that tied me, I didn't. I figured the site of me bound to it as they farted in my face only heightened their arousal all the more. However, if they were hoping to humiliate me by doing so, they would have to do something other then make me smell their ass's and farts. I was having the time of my life!!

"Let me in there!" I heard Silvia say.

"Not yet!" Clara groaned. "I have another one about ready!"

Hearing her statement, I pushed my nose in good and deep. I could feel her sphincter bulge as she attempted to force her gas out, and once the gas came, it was short, but very loud and crude sounding. The gas was extremely warm as it passed from her hole to straight up my nose. I was stimulated so much from it that I broke out in goose flesh!

"Oh my God, that is SO nasty!" Clara cried gleefully.

"Let me in there damn it!" Silvia demanded impatiently.

Clara reluctantly stepped away from me, and Silvia hurriedly took her place. Reaching around and pulling her beautiful ass cheeks apart, she shot her ass back hard against my face so my nose was pressed against her sweet little brown rose bud. I tilted my head back so my nasal passages were directly aligned with her hole, and waited excitedly for her fart to arrive. Her sphincter suddenly bulged out and a fraction of a second later a huge, long winded, rattling fart exploded from her. I wasn't able to catch even half of it as it blew by my nose and over my face. I did manage to catch some however, and Holy shit was it invigorating to breath in!! Fuck did it smell good!!

"Jesus!" Clara declared from somewhere to my left. "You should see this Silvia! He's smelling your ass like his life depended on it!"

"I told you he loved it." Silvia replied huskily. "You should have seen him try to sneak whiff's of my ass that day in the elevator! Believe me, he doesn't need any encouragement! That's why I knew you had to meet him!"

The whole time they talked, I kept right on smelling Silvia's ass hole. Most of my attention was on the dirty brown hole in front of me, but I still listened to their talking all the same. Silvia released her hold on her cheeks, so they were again compressed against my face. She made no attempt to move, so I was able to keep my nose nice and deep in her crack. I lost track of what they were saying because I felt Silvia's sphincter start flexing again, which in turn drew my full attention.

"Here comes a good one Precious." Silvia said sweetly.

The gas that she expelled she released with subtle ease. I was able to catch most of this one since she was letting it out so slowly. I hungrily and repeatedly inhaled her foulness, and wasn't even close to getting my fill yet when the fart ended!! I was still pushing and smelling Silvia's ass well after her fart was gone, when I heard Clara demand another turn. Much like Clara had responded, Silvia relinquished her turn with reluctance. Even though I knew it was Cara's turn, I was a little disappointed to see Silvia's ass pull away from me. It was just so incredibly fine, I didn't want it to ever leave!

"Okay Baby," Clara said quietly, seductively. "Time for more punishment." Then smiling down at me evilly, she asked, "Had enough yet?"

I immediately shook my head 'no'.

With a look of dismay, she shook her head and turned to Silvia. "I can't believe he likes it so much! This has got to be our best catch ever!"

I watched Silvia nod her head in agreement, while she in turn stared down at my raging hard-on. She said, "I plan on keeping him around for a good long time too."

My heart was slamming in my chest from hearing her say those words. To know I was going to enjoy these two beautiful women for more then just this once......My God was I thrilled to hear those words!!!

I looked back to Clara when I felt her start to untie the restraint around my chest. Her face very close to mine, she said, "You do nothing we don't order you to do, got it?!"

I nodded.

Seeing what Clara was doing, Silvia came over and started helping her, and in no time I was free of my bonds. I waited.

"Go over to the bed and lay down on your back!" Clara demanded, pointing in the direction of the bed.

I was about halfway to the bed when I heard Clara exclaim, "Oh my God! Look at that cute little ass he's got!"

I didn't hear Silvia say anything in return, and I wasn't about to turn around and look to see what her reaction was either. They both wanted me a willing, obedient slave, and that was exactly how I was going to act! I wasn't about to take the chance of losing this by turning around like I had free will! I got up on the bed, laid out on my back, and waited further demands from the Beauty and the Goddess.

Clara came up on my right, and Silvia to my left. Both of them took time to rake my body with their eyes, pausing repeatedly at my throbbing cock. I even caught Clara lick her lips as she stared down at it.

She was still looking at it when she said to know one in particular, "That's one nice looking cock!"

In response, I flexed it, making the head swell even bigger then it already was.

Clara grinned, then looked at me and arched a brow. "You trying to seduce me?"

"No ma'am!" I replied quickly. "Just trying to please you, that's all!"

She glared at me for a few seconds, then said, "You'll have to be punished for your lack of respect. I believe I told you to do nothing without permission, correct?"

I nodded quickly.

"Well then....." She crawled forward and swung her leg over my head and sat down on my face heavily. She'd sat down so hard I immediately had trouble breathing. I made no attempt to move or object to her abuse, but remained where I was like a good little slave would do. She still had her panties on, and the fabric felt wonderfully soft against my nose and face.

As I felt one of their hands lightly touch my cock, Clara grunted, "Oh yeah! This is going to be a good one!" and ripped a monster fart loose right down in my face. I honestly didn't think her small body could have produced a fart so big! Even as I sucked up the offensive odor, I appraised the sheer size of it. It must have been two full seconds in length, and would've been much louder then it was had her ass not been pressed into my face so hard! The incredible vibration coming from it I could feel clear back to my ears! Once her fart was at its end, I felt her little body start to shake in little tremors of orgasmic pleasure. She was cumming.

I continued to smell her freshly released gas, loving the dull, robust aroma it possessed. There was a great deal of it to inhale, and I did my best to get it all! Then I felt Silvia curl my legs up to my chest, and then her warm wet tongue on my ass hole. "My God!" I though. "She's giving me a rim job!"

"Oh yeah!" Clara moaned. "Lick his ass!"

With Clara sitting on my face and Silvia's tongue up my ass, I thought this was probably the closest thing to Heaven there was! On the other hand, I much would have preferred it if their positions had been reversed. Silvia's ass was just too superior to overlook!

We remained in those positions for nearly five minutes before they decided to change. During that time, Clara had released three more big farts for me to smell. She didn't get off again however, but still wiggled her ass on my face in pleasure each time she cut the cheese. There was no doubt she enjoyed farting in my face as much as Silvia did. Her orgasm earlier had proved that!

Silvia took Clara's place at sitting on my face, though not nearly as hard as her. She'd sat down just hard enough so that her sphincter was resting lightly on my nose. For Clara's part, she had went straight down between my legs and had started blowing me immediately. Her technic wasn't nearly as good as Silvia's had been the other day, but it felt good enough to cum by all the same. I knew I wouldn't last long with having Silvia's ass in my face, and when a couple of minutes went by, and she started easing out a nice long airy fart, I came uncontrollably in Clara's waiting mouth. She wasn't able to keep up with the huge flow of cum I was pumping into her, and had to pull her mouth away in order to swallow. She jerked me the rest of the way off, which still made quite a large mess on my chest and stomach. I was just as surprised as the Beauty and the Goddess where once I'd finished cumming, because I didn't loose a single bit of my hard-on!

"Jesus!" Clara declared. "Would you look at this Silvia! He's still hard as a rock!"

In reply, Silvia wiggled her ass on my face and said warmly, "That's my Precious."

Hearing her call me that name again sent a surge of pleasure through me like I'd never felt before! It was so overwhelming to hear her address me as "Her Precious". I ground my nose into her sphincter good and hard, and breathed in her scent with more wont then I'd ever felt for anything else!

I felt Clara start to move into a different position, then heard Silvia say, "No. Turn around so I can watch."

The next thing I felt was my cock sliding into something warm, tight, inviting. I was almost positive Clara was sitting down on my cock, and was inserting it up her ass! My assumption proved correct once my cock was most of the way in, and had bumped into something hard and resistant. God did that feel good!! I heard Clara moan as she took small pulsating bounces up and down my thick shaft, making sure my cock head bumped into the turd within.

"Does that feel good Precious?" Silvia asked sweetly.

"Yes!" I croaked, continuing to smell her dirty hole.

Then to Clara, she said, sounding quite aroused as she did so, "Pull his cock out of your ass so I can see your open ass hole!"

Clara obeyed immediately and without question, and pulled away letting my cock slap back against my stomach.

"Ohhh yeah! It's open nice and wide!" Silvia moaned.

No sooner had she completed saying that, when I heard lapping noises from above, and then Silvia farted. I had just enough time before she let her fart rip to realize that either the two of them were kissing, or Silvia was licking Clara's cunt or ass hole! After the fart hit though, I was focused entirely on it! She had released it with control, letting it come out as four separate farts, each one bringing with it the full penetrating aroma of shit! I inhaled deeply, hungrily, and repeatedly, basking in the gift of gas she was giving me!

A minute later, Clara sat back down on my cock, and this time it only made it half way in before it met resistance. That turd she had inside seemed to be wanting to come out! Again she humped my cock and made sure the head bumped into her shit each time she went down. Silvia had got to her feet and had squatted down so her adorable ass hole was in direct line with my mouth. She kept her ass about four inches above, and I could see that she was looking down between her wide spread legs at me.

When we made eye contact, she smiled and said quietly, "Watch."

At first I'd thought she'd meant for me to watch Clara work her ass up and down on my cock, but then I saw movement from her sphincter and quickly looked above. I was thrilled beyond belief when I saw her sweet little rose bud open up! As I kept staring up into the small black void, I was even more thrilled when it opened a little more!

"Can you see it yet?" she whimpered.

I knew what she was talking about, and shook my head 'No'.

Seeing my reply, she let out a small moan, and then her sphincter opened some more. I heard the crackling, popping approach of the turd before I saw it, and I felt my excitement escalate to all time high! The tip of the turd that came into view was very blunt and wide across. Light brown in color, and possibly the most enticing thing I'd ever seen!

"Now?" she asked in a voice that bespoke her arousal.

I nodded, and opened my mouth wide in an unspoken plea to have it.

"Ohhh good boy!" she wept.

She released her hold on the turd, and it started to move again. A small fart managed to escape from around its girth, and I could smell the warm fresh gas as it traveled down to my nose. I wanted desperately to rush my nose up to her hole to catch the gas as it came out, but I remained where I was for fear of acting out with disobedience. I didn't think Silvia would have minded, but I remained where I was all the same. There was more popping and crackling from above, and I watched in rapture as she slowly released the big turd from its warm prison. Though Clara was still slamming my cock into her shit packed ass, most of my attention was on the beautiful brown object above. The odor coming from her shit was thick and mind-numbing now that her turd was a couple of inches out. Seeing her own turd descending towards my open mouth, Silvia let out a powerful grunt of ecstacy, which in turn forced her big turd out extremely fast. A split second after her shit entered my waiting mouth, she screamed in orgasmic pleasure and pushed the rest of her shit out hard, where it shot down and slapped against my nose and forehead. Even as I began releasing my second load into Clara's ass, she too had an orgasm that matched or surpassed Silvia's own in intensity. I was about halfway through my orgasm when Clara pulled off of me, and no sooner then she had, I heard a loud bubbly noise and then something long, warm, and solid hit my cock and stomach. Even as I reached down and wrapped my hand around the object and my cock, I knew it was a big turd that she'd released when she'd pulled off of me and came. I grabbed the turd and my cock and squeezed, compressing the shit around my shaft, and then immediately jerked myself off the rest to the way. The sound of panting, and gasping was coming from everywhere, and so was the powerful odor of shit! I was in absolute Heaven, not the leased bit appalled by what we'd just done.

I'd seen the Beauty and the Goddess for nearly five years after that wonderful day, and when it came time that Silvia finally decided to sell her mother and fathers big house and move, I went with her. Clara did as well. I couldn't have imagined a life without either of them, and every day of every year that passed, I basked in their farts and shit that they gave me.
