View Full Version : Have 6 gigs of clips to upload and a couple questions

10th November 2013, 08:36 AM
I have 6 gigabytes of clips to upload. There's a lot of them, needless to say.

Not all of them are necessarily "safe" (not as in illegal, as in certain people may not particularly like me uploading them) so I had a couple quick questions.

First, do any of the "spies" have active membership or donor ranks, or is that sort of thing monitored?

Second, is it okay if I upload them without previews? There's a lot of them, so not only would it take fucking aaggeeess to make previews for but it would also broadcast what clips I'm uploading which may yield..negative results from certain parties. Maybe I'll make previews for certain ones, not for others.

If the answer to question #1 is "no and yes" respectively, I will put the previews/clip names/model names in the hidden boxes so they are only visible to members.

I'm in the process of uploading them now, according to my upload program's estimated time, should take about an hour and a half at the rate it's going.

Thanks in advance.

10th November 2013, 10:04 AM
well the spies have been less lately haven't seen anyone claiming they got bothered for a while. secondly yh its ok to post without previews, those aren't mandatory people just want you to so they know if they have it already. and my advice dont go too overboard broadcasting the models name and stuff cause some of the models do drop in the forum and to see their work being shared for free here could land you some issues. (possibly legal) ohh one request.. facefart vids :3

10th November 2013, 10:05 AM
well the spies have been less lately haven't seen anyone claiming they got bothered for a while. secondly yh its ok to post without previews, those aren't mandatory people just want you to so they know if they have it already. and my advice dont go too overboard broadcasting the models name and stuff cause some of the models do drop in the forum and to see their work being shared for free here could land you some issues. (possibly legal) ohh one request.. facefart vids :3
Plenty of those, my friend :D

And okay, thank you for the advice.