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View Full Version : Perverted but very typical idea

13th August 2010, 03:17 PM
Have any of you guys actually camped out in a girl's bathroom to hear and witness some farts? If so, how do you pull it off? I'm considering doing it but I'm deathly afraid only because of one thing - can't they see you through the crack of the door in the stall? I also considered planting a recording device of some kind, but don't know how or where.

Another typical idea but less likely to catch some farts is in the dressing room. I actually witnessed one at this dressing room back in H&M. There's only one dressing room for both guys and girls. There were these two girls trying out jeans in the room next to me (both very hot, tight butts, black hair and kinda tan). And suddenly I catch a whiff of a TERRIBLY rank smell. One of the girls next to me suddenly asked, "Did you just fart?" And her friend replies, "No. . ." Then it gets so horrible that the girl confesses, "Ok, yeah, I farted. I'm sorry, but I really had to."

13th August 2010, 03:44 PM
No, and it would be too risky for me to do. I'm a tall mofo.

13th August 2010, 04:32 PM
Go into a public bathroom and just actually sit on the toilet. If someone catches you, you go "omg, I am so sorry, I really had to go and I just ran in, I didnt see the sign!" Bam. Problem solved.

13th August 2010, 05:37 PM
Make an invisible potion. BAM set for life.

13th August 2010, 05:46 PM
I've considered it, but the consequences of getting caught simply out weigh the benefits. Plus it's a pretty creepy thing to do, really.

13th August 2010, 05:54 PM
haven't considered it recently, but as jacave said, just have an alibi ready. you can always say that you really had to go and all of the male stalls were either full or covered in crap.

13th August 2010, 08:40 PM
I have camped near a girl's bathroom, unfortunately i was caught but i made up a excuse, but the smell was great :) BUT after i left, the girl was looking at me (guessing to make sure that i was far enough from the bathroom) then left....so i thought. Feeling a bit of guilt, went to grab my ipod out my pocket to listen to music and accidently dropped it under some box. When i bent over, that same girl walked up to me and bent over a little so when i got up, her big ass was right in my face. Being a bit mad because my ipod had a scratch on the touch screen, i got up, and then all i see is ass in ma face & then I smelled a strong scent of eggs blowing in my face. Knowing myself that i have a fart fetish and wanted to grab her ass, smother it in my face, and tell her to fart some more.....I acted innocent and backed away and saying "why the hell you do that for??" her answering back "Well, you were in the girl's bathroom, thinking that you are slick watching and listening *in my mind: and smelling your farts* to us do our thing, and when its all clear, you can just walk out and act like nothing happend. Pervert."

"Not my fault that the janitor is cleaning out our bathroom" (not really, just needed to get away before something else happens)
"Yeah, whatever, just stay out"

So that's my short story, only lasted for about ten minutes, but i enjoyed very bit of it. :D

13th August 2010, 10:22 PM
shoot a monkey! i hear too many stories, but even in school its considered sexual harassment. omg, you guys make me laugh at the great lengths to go for an amazing ass. still...i'm disappointed it isn't a challenge for me to hear their farts because i am in the same bathroom with them! its pretty grotesque but a guilty pleasure, too.

Mart Fellers
13th August 2010, 11:19 PM
Hide in the ceiling tiles.

14th August 2010, 01:44 AM
Either i've played video games for too long in the dark, and my vision is messed up or is azaleachan's legs blue?

14th August 2010, 02:17 AM
Make an invisible potion. BAM set for life.
::great Yep! That's the only way! Too bad nobody can:cryOf course i'd use it for other good purposes also.

14th August 2010, 02:52 AM
ha...what if you just went in full drag?????.... dress up like a chick, and just walk in the womens bathroom...and hang out all day!!...

14th August 2010, 03:09 AM
Make an invisible potion. BAM set for life.

Best answer. Easily.

14th August 2010, 03:09 AM
Either i've played video games for too long in the dark, and my vision is messed up or is azaleachan's legs blue?

The colors aren't set right on her camera. Thats why it looks like the ceiling's purple.

14th August 2010, 07:12 AM
probably tinted after it was taken as her other pics aren't like that.

14th August 2010, 01:42 PM
Don't do it, it's wrong.

14th August 2010, 03:48 PM
The colors aren't set right on her camera. Thats why it looks like the ceiling's purple.
Oh ok, thanks

14th August 2010, 05:44 PM
go into a unisex bathroom duh

14th August 2010, 08:02 PM
If you're going to do it then at least have the right disguise


they'll never know you were there.

14th August 2010, 09:08 PM
If you're going to do it then at least have the right disguise


they'll never know you were there.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll
That is perfect ::crazy

15th August 2010, 05:39 AM
Lmao!!!! @ FartPallette69

15th August 2010, 05:46 AM
ha...what if you just went in full drag?????.... dress up like a chick, and just walk in the womens bathroom...and hang out all day!!...

Kinda gay but a really good idea, I would do it for the right ass gotta be more then one girl also.

15th August 2010, 03:50 PM
Either i've played video games for too long in the dark, and my vision is messed up or is azaleachan's legs blue?

i must be related to the blue man.
no, i did that on purpose with my camera. it's just a solarized-negative effect. my legs are not blue, and i will change my pic probably next week. anyways, i'm officially creeped out to go to a public toilet now, within an area of fetish entuhsiasts. not that i don't enjoy farting, but hey-it's bad enough i would look like a perv in front of girls in the girls bathroom.

16th August 2010, 12:39 AM
Actually, I remember that I have something that ACTUALLY happend like this. It was in france and we were at Louis the 13th's castle (or one of the Louis') and the mens room was LEGIT out of order. So I went into the girls room (it had like 30 toilets) and I took one at the far left. A girl on my trip went in a minute or two before me and no one else had gone in, so I knew it was just me and her. Then she ripped the longest series of farts I have ever heard in real life. It was like 5 farts each 4 seconds long or so. It was CRAZY. Could not look at her the same for the rest of the year...

16th August 2010, 03:24 AM
I got a short story for yall.

I kno these 3 sexy ass black girls. They usually hang at my house n we get sexual and I told them bout my foot fetish so they let me massage/sniff their feet when their sweaty (man do they smell like heaven). Anyway one day they had come over early in the morn and chilled at my crib, before they got here one called me n said she had bubble guts and was gonna blow up my bathroom and fart out my room, I was so exited I couldn't contain myself. So before they came I planted my fone in my bathroom to record the sounds of the shit. As soon as they came over, the one came in my room and let loose one huge long one tht stunk like heaven. Then I confessed my fart n shit fetish, then 2 of 3 of them decided to fart in my face, the one wit bubble guts her farts stunk so fuckin good she let a huge rumbling one out on my face tht stunk the entire room up, and the other one let out a long hissy one tht stunk but not tht bad. Then the one went to shit n I told her not to flush but she did anyway knowing bout my shit fetish. Then they farted in my face some more and I got hard then they left, I got my fone n she grunted and everything, theres like 2 huge farts at the begging a decent plop noise and more farting! and pee. Well after I got my fone I jacked off to everything tht jus happend n nearly came on the celing I was so exited.

16th August 2010, 04:57 AM
Actually, I remember that I have something that ACTUALLY happend like this. It was in france and we were at Louis the 13th's castle (or one of the Louis') and the mens room was LEGIT out of order. So I went into the girls room (it had like 30 toilets) and I took one at the far left. A girl on my trip went in a minute or two before me and no one else had gone in, so I knew it was just me and her. Then she ripped the longest series of farts I have ever heard in real life. It was like 5 farts each 4 seconds long or so. It was CRAZY. Could not look at her the same for the rest of the year...

That sounds hot as hell. What did she look like? Was she complaining of anything she ate?

17th August 2010, 01:51 AM
I have camped near a girl's bathroom, unfortunately i was caught but i made up a excuse, but the smell was great :) BUT after i left, the girl was looking at me (guessing to make sure that i was far enough from the bathroom) then left....so i thought. Feeling a bit of guilt, went to grab my ipod out my pocket to listen to music and accidently dropped it under some box. When i bent over, that same girl walked up to me and bent over a little so when i got up, her big ass was right in my face. Being a bit mad because my ipod had a scratch on the touch screen, i got up, and then all i see is ass in ma face & then I smelled a strong scent of eggs blowing in my face. Knowing myself that i have a fart fetish and wanted to grab her ass, smother it in my face, and tell her to fart some more.....I acted innocent and backed away and saying "why the hell you do that for??" her answering back "Well, you were in the girl's bathroom, thinking that you are slick watching and listening *in my mind: and smelling your farts* to us do our thing, and when its all clear, you can just walk out and act like nothing happend. Pervert."

"Not my fault that the janitor is cleaning out our bathroom" (not really, just needed to get away before something else happens)
"Yeah, whatever, just stay out"

So that's my short story, only lasted for about ten minutes, but i enjoyed very bit of it. :D

Awesome story is awesome. I guess she "showed" you

19th August 2010, 05:29 AM
when i was about 13 i went for a meal with the family at this place in uk, its also like a big pub. when i went to the toilets i saw the hole to the attic was open, and me bein a nutcase at that age lol climbed up jus to see wot was up there. When i got up there i walked to the other side a little bit and saw a little hole in the floor, when i looked in it, it was only the girls fukin toilets... lukin strait down on 1 of the shitters. I had to keep goin bk to my family now and then obvs, but i saw at least 7 very sexy women takin a shit that day and i heard 2 off them fart, for a 13yr old boy with a fart fetish ya not getin much betta than that.

20th August 2010, 03:16 AM
there was a guy, back in Copro's days that hooked up his VCR to a baby monitor, and set the tape to record for 8 hours at a time..
He got quite alot of farts, and made a compilation for all... if only I could find where I put that CD...

Does ANYBODY rember this?? or am I the only one with such a good memory?

22nd August 2010, 04:20 AM
I have camped near a girl's bathroom, unfortunately i was caught but i made up a excuse, but the smell was great :) BUT after i left, the girl was looking at me (guessing to make sure that i was far enough from the bathroom) then left....so i thought. Feeling a bit of guilt, went to grab my ipod out my pocket to listen to music and accidently dropped it under some box. When i bent over, that same girl walked up to me and bent over a little so when i got up, her big ass was right in my face. Being a bit mad because my ipod had a scratch on the touch screen, i got up, and then all i see is ass in ma face & then I smelled a strong scent of eggs blowing in my face. Knowing myself that i have a fart fetish and wanted to grab her ass, smother it in my face, and tell her to fart some more.....I acted innocent and backed away and saying "why the hell you do that for??" her answering back "Well, you were in the girl's bathroom, thinking that you are slick watching and listening *in my mind: and smelling your farts* to us do our thing, and when its all clear, you can just walk out and act like nothing happend. Pervert."

"Not my fault that the janitor is cleaning out our bathroom" (not really, just needed to get away before something else happens)
"Yeah, whatever, just stay out"

So that's my short story, only lasted for about ten minutes, but i enjoyed very bit of it. :D

Im sorry that story sounded like complete bull shit, it may be just me but that would never happen. A women catching sure, but somehow finding you (wherever you were) and farting in your face at the exact moment you seemingly dropped your Itouch? I find that highly unlikely the first inciddent sure, but the fart in your face no. Like I said it may just be me, but it just sounds extremely far fetched.

22nd August 2010, 08:51 AM
meh, over 12,000 people on this forum. i'd belive that it's happened to somebody on here, lol.