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Thread: My story on the web plz comment

  1. #1

    My story on the web plz comment

    Hey everyone I found a story of mine originally posted to here on the web. It's from a few years ago. let me know what you think !!!

    The Fart Girls Fart Fetish Forum > FARTASIA > SMELLY TEEN
    View Full Version : SMELLY TEEN
    07-24-2006, 06:14 PM
    Well gang here's another one. While my first story was real this one is mostly fiction. This was inspired by a site I ran across some months ago called Smelly Teen. Unfortunately the site went down shortly after I discovered it. Anyone remember this site?

    I had discovered my fart/smell fetish while still in High School. Being somewhat daring and resourceful and realizing I had little chance of convincing my girfriend that this is something that can be erotic, I had to come up with plan B.

    What I had in mind was to sneak into one of the girls bathrooms at school and see what developed. At the very least I had hoped to hear, if not smell some of those lovely emissions from those cute behinds. Realizing I had to NOT get caught was of course my first priority. Luckily a bunch of us had befriended the school janitor and during study breaks he would let us go into the basement and hang out and smoke cigs. This lead to one day noticing a stack of official signs that the janitorial department used. Alone down there one day I flipped through the stack until I found my treasure. The "Out Of Order" signs. Quickly stuffing one of the signs into my backpack I knew I was now in business!

    My target was the fourth floor bathroom since it was probably the least occupied even though I had my sign I was still paranoid about getting caught. My first attempt found me hanging out in the hallway making sure the bathroom was vacant. When I was sure the coast was clear I entered and did a quick sweep under the five stall doors to be sure no one was in there.
    I decided to use the fourth stall, quckly put up the sign and entered to wait. I should mention that this bathroom also had two doors so that I had more than a couple seconds to get my feet up off of the floor when someone entered. Now the only thing I had to worry about was the slight crack in the door but I found that by leaning over to one side I was almost un-noticable! This was important because the sinks and mirrors were in front of the stalls and I certainly didn't want someone to see me in the mirror.

    Ten minutes into my first session I heard the doors open and my heart began to pound as my cock started to throb. A girl entered a stall and I could hear her pissing. This was AWESOME! I wanted desperately to be tugging on my boner but was too afraid to make a sound. Unfortunately all she did was piss and quckly left the stall. She washed her hands and brushed her hair. I shouldn't have, but had to sneak a peak through the crack in the door....I recognized the girl in the mirror from one of my classes which made me even harder! So this went on for a couple of weeks with no one seeming to notice that "MY" stall was always out of order. Of course I was careful to remove the sign at the end of each day so the janitors wouldn't find it. In those first couple of weeks I was treated to all kinds of absolutely AMAZING farts and the sounds of many co-eds pissing, shitting and dropping their ass. I was in heaven. One of the most memorable episodes was when a girl entered and checked herself out in the mirror before entering a stall. I immediately recognized her as Jenny, one of the most stuck-up members of the cheer leading squad. My cock was furiously trying to split my pants as she started to piss & after a minute or two she started SERIOUSLY dropping her ass! She began ripping HUGE farts at least seven or eight until she started grunting and I knew she was tring to shit. I few seconds later her smell or rather her STINK had made it's way to my nose and this girls farts were NASTY! I was trying to quietly rub my cock through my pants and was almost ready to cum when she finished and exited the bathroom. Now free to inhale deeply I was totally getting high on the smell of her rank ass. It was funny to think that this hot little unattainable cheer leader had one of the nastiest asses in school!

    About a week after this the ultimate occured. I was camped out in my special spot when I heard the doors open. A girl entered one of the stalls and as usual I had my feet up and was breathlessly waiting for my reward. Time went by five minutes, ten minutes...what was going on here? I couldn't hear her I couldn't smell her, and it sounded like she was typing on a laptop!!!??? fifteen minutes I was getting paranoid because I was somehow going to have to escape for my next class. At twenty minutes the unthikable happend I fucking SNEEZED! Her typing stopped and we both sat in silence for a moment I don't know what she was thinking but I was thinking about being expelled and going to jail. She said "is someone there" ? I didn't say a word I heard her set her laptop down and was assuming she was looking under the stall. I did still have my feet up but pretty much realized I was busted. Sure enough she abandoned her stall and was directly in front of mine looking through the crack of the door. I recognized her as Katie a girl I always thought was super hot but seemed to have a problem with bathing. "What the fuck are you doing in there" she demanded. "Get out of there now". I said something stupid like I was just hanging out between classes but I knew that wasn't going to fly. "Come with me now" she demanded and went to check the doors to see if the coast was clear. I was practically shitting myself and almost forgot my out of order sign. When we got out of the bathroom she again demanded to know what I was doing in there. As I stammered incoherently she said "you have two choices, you can give me a ride home or I can report you immediately". Obviously that wasn't a choice and I soon found myself skipping my last class to give her a ride home.

    She seemed more relaxed now and told me to tell her what I was doing in there and as I began to tell her that she was probably going to think I was a freak and a pervert I flipped on the airconditioner. "Tell me more" she said. well while I was trying to convice her that having a fart and smell fetish was the most normal thing in the world and that she really didn't need to report me -because after all I was a really nice guy...she started pulling on her top and the front of her loose fitting jeans. I hadn't really noticed her body oder at this point because it was very hot out and we were both pretty sweaty, but when she started fanning the front of her pants my car began to stink. " Do you smell that" I asked ? "What is that" ? She said "it's probably my pussy, other than washing my hair I haven't showered in four days".

    I was seriously hard as we pulled up to her parents house. " Come on" she said as we marched into the house and she led me up to her room. She told me I didn't have to worry about her folks as they were visiting relatives until the following Monday. Within a few minutes her laptop was up and running and told me to take a look. NO FUCKING WAY! It was her blog called "Smelly Teen" and was all about HER smell fetish. She didn't seem to mind in the least showing me that it also contained pictures of her stinky panties, pussy and glorious asshole. This was not happening- It had to be a dream- I must have fallen asleep in the stall! But here I was with this chick who admittedly I had masturbated to while fantasizing about fucking, and she had a smell fetish too!!!! As I read some of her blog entries I couldn't fucking believe it! She had entries in there from the girls bathroom at school but said that she camped out on the THIRD floor!!!

    Well even though the air was on in her room I was sweating my ass off when she said " lets get down to business". She told me to take my clothes off as she started to get undressed. "Me first" she said. "I was to smell your ass and your balls". I almost fell over trying to step out of my underwear. My Iron had cock wasn't making it any easier. when I was naked she said "umm nice" and lifted up my dick to smell my nuts and my ass. " Spread your legs a little more and spread your cheeks for me" she commanded. She was rubbing her stinky pussy and her smell began to fill the room. As she continued to sniff with her hand still wrapped around my cock she said "here" and handed me her panties for me to sniff. Gorgeous wite panties with lots of discolorations in the crotch. She informed me that she didn't change her panties until she showered so I knew that these hadn't been changed if four days. As my cock started to leak she laughed ad said " o.k. your turn, what do you want" ? " Do you want to smell my stinky pussy? Or my smelly ass"? Before I could reply she was on all fours telling me to decide. I burried my face in her furry little glistening crotch and inhaled like it was to be my last breath. So ripe, so wet, so stinky!!!

    She said the only reason she let me in and exposed her blog to me was that she needed a new erotic story for her website and that it seemed like a session with me might provide her with that. And that I better make it good. She told me that she better not hear any of this going around school or that she would without hesitation report me and expose my bathroom activities. Well there was certainly no need to worry about that as I was practically ready to die for this girl!
    "Now what do you want " she asked. I told her I wanted to hear her fart and that I wanted her to fart on my face. She laughed, grabbed my hand and led me into her bathroom. She told me to sit in the tub and draw the shower curtain and pretend I was in my "stall" at school. She left the room and closed the door. After a few minutes she came back in with out saying a word closed the door and sat down on the toilet. She started to piss and then began to fart. Words cannot describe the joy at this point...listening to her drop bomb after bomb as the bathroom filled with her stink. Now free to stroke at will I furiously beat my dick for no more than a minute before cumming and screaming at the same time! I just wanted to lie there and bask in her stink but she told me to follow her back to her room.

    Once there, she got on all fours again and told me to rub my cum all over her nasty pussy and asshole, then commanded me to lie back while she squatted over my face. I was completely in awe of her ripe fetid smelling cunt and ass as she lowered her brown eye onto my nose. Again she began with those majestic ass kisses pinching my nipples every time she let go with one of those delicious farts. Eventually she began rubbing her cunt and ass all over my face while never taking a break from farting. Her matted cunt making the most delicious sticky sucking sounds everytime she rose and lowered herself. Pretty soon her legs started shaking and she let go with an absolutely HEINOUS fart while she came all over my face. I think I may have blacked out from the smell for a minute because the next thing I remember she was putting those nasty panties back on and commenting out loud on whether or not she should NOW take a shower!

    She said she now had enough "good stuff" for her latest blog entry but that I might be required in the future if she had writers block. When finally dressed, I made a trip to her bathroom to piss and was treated once more to the STINK which still lingered there. I then followed her to the front door where she suprised me with a kiss. Just before she kicked me out she said "remember what I told you about not letting our adventure or her website get out around school". I promised her "not a word"." One more thing " she said, before closing the door," You can have the fourth floor, but stay out of the third floor "cause it's MINE!!! "
    07-24-2006, 10:07 PM
    Hey gang I have no idea what those "taylor taylor taylor" glitches are.

    Anyway, spent a fair amount of time on this story if you liked it please take a second and post a reply Thanx!
    donald chump
    07-25-2006, 10:17 AM
    I liked it. Nice lurid visual descriptions.
    Gassyerotica Boss
    07-26-2006, 11:38 AM
    Yeah, I remember that site.

    It was Awesome, but too late for me.
    07-26-2006, 06:55 PM
    Originally posted by kissfromyourass
    Hey gang I have no idea what those "taylor taylor taylor" glitches are.

    Anyway, spent a fair amount of time on this story if you liked it please take a second and post a reply Thanx!

    You must have said a censored word or name--the replacement now is the letter "o"

    So lets say you say that cunt's name that runs a green crappy forum...lizzy


    but when you wrote it each letter got replaced with the name taylor.

  2. #2


    182 views and no comments.
    I guess nobody liked this story so no point in writing more.

  3. #3

    This is old stuff

    Sorry pal, but I've seen this story around for a while. I still enjoyed it, but we do need some new material.

  4. #4
    was the smelly teen forum collected on a website? like the posts there I seem to remember this anyone know where?

  5. #5

    RE: wow

    That was great. I really loved it keep up the good work. I'm waiting for the next one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I liked it a lot. write more!

    also never trust those "thread viewed #" counts. Half the time it seems like it counts my own viewing of the thread 3 times if not more

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